

Someone recently gave me a swift punch in the face instead of a nicer, more eloquent, ease-me-into-it nudge.

Figuratively, of course. But damn, it hurt.

Turns out we all have a lot of shit going on in our lives. We all freak out from time to time. And the ones who you want to reach out a hand and pull you out of the muck aren’t always capable of it for whatever reason. Sometimes, no matter how much you just want someone to fix you, you simply have to figure it out on your own. 

You’ve gotta pull yourself out of the damn muck.

It took me a swift punch in the face to wake up to the reality that I have to be prepared – and satisfied! – if my whole world turns upside down one day. That all the parts I thought would be there forever just might not. And maybe I should take inventory from time to time. Maybe I should make sure I’ve got a good grip on me… Just in case. Like an earthquake kit.

(I should definitely invest in an earthquake kit.)

I originally stopped writing because I seriously didn’t have the time. I was starting a business. I was working a job on top of it. I was exhausted. I had no creativity left in me after the day was done.

Then things got tough, and I didn’t write because I was trying to keep it all together. No one wants to talk about trying to keep it all together. I couldn’t even imagine the things I’d have to say. No one would want to read them.

When I admitted that I needed to take a different path, I still didn’t come back to writing. My ego was horribly bruised. All I could think of was that I had “failed”. In my business. In keeping up my side of the finances. In breaking out on my own and starting something cool and fun. I went back to work with my tail between my legs.

And lately, when my next path pulled me out of the darkness, when I got back my footing… I didn’t start writing again because I wasn’t sure what it was all about anymore. I just wanted to write happy things like I used to, and I couldn’t find that part of me that was really excited about anything. I wanted my reemergence into this blog that I love to be shiny and void of all of the guilt and frustration I felt. I struggled to find a clean, fresh start.

Recently, I’ve had some great people in my life ask me some even greater questions. And those questions have stirred something in me. They’ve forced me to face what I was trying to hide or pretend never happened. They forced me to look at myself and figure out what I love and what I don’t. Why I’ve done the things I did and what I gained from it all. They’ve offered me the opportunity to be introspective and think about what is best for me. Where I want to be heading. Peace of mind that I can survive any storm, any ride – and that I’m happy. What does my earthquake kit consist of?

Someone told me today, “Stop waiting for the rollercoaster to stop. Declare that something has to change.”

So here I am. Fresh start.

There are still going to be ups and downs and back wards and forwards and upside down loop-de-loops. I have decisions to make and plans to define, but I need to stop delaying and declare that I must start again. I’ve got to run alongside the car and jump in while it’s still rolling on the tracks. Because it’s never going to stop. Life isn’t going to slow down and stop happening so I can think about things or feel better about what path I’m on. Punches are going to keep getting thrown. I don’t want to wake up in six months and still be stuck where I am. I want to keep moving forward.

You’ll be seeing a lot more of me around here.

Step one. Complete.



Brad Turns 30!!


I’ll tell you what.  The crazy kids wearing brown in that picture never ever thought they’d be living the life we live today.

They never thought they’d be living in Los Angeles.  They never thought they would be making a career in the food industry.  They never thought they’d have the plans and dreams in mind that we have today.  They never thought they’d be wearing such skinny jeans or such fancy sunglasses.  They never thought they’d live in such a fancy apartment.  They never thought that they would think 85 degrees at the beach was way too hot.

And they never never thought they’d be married.  They actually discussed how neither believed in marriage or ever wanted to get married.

Um…things change?


Those two probably also thought 30 was insanely far away.  Or old.  Yea, they probably thought 30 was old.

But here we are.  Brad joins me at 30 today, and as he drives off to go into work to do inventory I’m about to embark on a crazy baking afternoon so he gets home to as many baked goods as a newly 30 year old can possibly handle.

And then we will celebrate all day tomorrow.  Because we have so much to celebrate.

I was reminded yesterday in a conversation with my mom how truly lucky I am to be in such a balanced, healthy, strong and loving relationship.  Brad is my rock.  He is my best friend.  I see how much love he deals out into the world, through his interactions with people and through the passion he puts into his food and his work, and I just feel lucky that I get such a big part of that love.

Happy, happy, happy birthday to my wonderful Brad.  Can’t wait until you’ve counted all the things and we can really start partying like a couple of 30 somethings.


(these photos were taken in 2008 by a regular i thought was a little nuts at the restaurant where brad and i first met and worked together.  larry gave me these prints the day before we left orlando for new york, and i just loved them so i held onto them… i found them last spring at my parents’ house, and brought them home with me because they still make me so very happy to look at.  our journey has taken us all over the country and to so many different restaurants, but we were so young and so carefree in orlando.  the crew at citrus was a really special group of people, and that restaurant brought some of our favorite people into the world.  plus, it brought my very favorite person into my world 🙂 )

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Coleman Farm Lunch


I don’t know if you remember, but in September Brad was auctioned off at Weiser Farms right in front of my very eyes.

After bidding hit about $200, I realized I could no longer afford my husband.  I was going to have to share.

For a good cause, of course.

A lunch for 8 at Coleman Family Farms was sold to the buyer who had $1400 for Alex’s Lemonade Stand.  They scheduled and planned, and then rescheduled for after the crazy holiday season – which ended up being yesterday.

With me and the Barolo Joe guys in tow, Brad put together a 5 course lunch for what turned into a group of 16.

We drove up to Carpinteria super early (for us), explored the farm a little, and then hand-picked fresh greens, flowers and herbs for lunch.

IMG_2934 IMG_2936 IMG_2937 IMG_2941 IMG_2942 IMG_2943 IMG_2961 IMG_2962Then, it was off to the races.  We set up and prepped…

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…and prepared the most amazing five courses for the lucky sixteen people around the table.

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The Menu:

Snapper Crudo with serrano, kumquat, mint and lime.

Leafy Farm Green Salad with blood oranges, fennel, balsamic vinaigrette and almonds.

Hand Cut Linguini with farm herbs, white wine and parmesan.

Manilla Clams with cherry tomatoes, garlic and lemon.

Whole Braised Oxtail with sprouting broccoli, radish and bordelaise.

Weiser Farms Potato Salad with Wooley bacon.

Strawberry Tart with honey, flowering thyme and vanilla ice cream.


I seriously wish I were sitting at that table.


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Ridiculous Christmas Songs

Poor Brad. He has to put up with my adoration of Christmas music. But, to be fair, it was one of the reasons he fell in love with me.  At least that’s my side of the story.  More on that … Continue reading