Brad Turns 30!!


I’ll tell you what.  The crazy kids wearing brown in that picture never ever thought they’d be living the life we live today.

They never thought they’d be living in Los Angeles.  They never thought they would be making a career in the food industry.  They never thought they’d have the plans and dreams in mind that we have today.  They never thought they’d be wearing such skinny jeans or such fancy sunglasses.  They never thought they’d live in such a fancy apartment.  They never thought that they would think 85 degrees at the beach was way too hot.

And they never never thought they’d be married.  They actually discussed how neither believed in marriage or ever wanted to get married.

Um…things change?


Those two probably also thought 30 was insanely far away.  Or old.  Yea, they probably thought 30 was old.

But here we are.  Brad joins me at 30 today, and as he drives off to go into work to do inventory I’m about to embark on a crazy baking afternoon so he gets home to as many baked goods as a newly 30 year old can possibly handle.

And then we will celebrate all day tomorrow.  Because we have so much to celebrate.

I was reminded yesterday in a conversation with my mom how truly lucky I am to be in such a balanced, healthy, strong and loving relationship.  Brad is my rock.  He is my best friend.  I see how much love he deals out into the world, through his interactions with people and through the passion he puts into his food and his work, and I just feel lucky that I get such a big part of that love.

Happy, happy, happy birthday to my wonderful Brad.  Can’t wait until you’ve counted all the things and we can really start partying like a couple of 30 somethings.


(these photos were taken in 2008 by a regular i thought was a little nuts at the restaurant where brad and i first met and worked together.  larry gave me these prints the day before we left orlando for new york, and i just loved them so i held onto them… i found them last spring at my parents’ house, and brought them home with me because they still make me so very happy to look at.  our journey has taken us all over the country and to so many different restaurants, but we were so young and so carefree in orlando.  the crew at citrus was a really special group of people, and that restaurant brought some of our favorite people into the world.  plus, it brought my very favorite person into my world 🙂 )

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Leftover Love: Strawberry Ricotta Crostini

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