Open Letter to My New Apple Peeler

Dear Apple Peeler/Corer/Slicer thingamajig that I bought yesterday,

I feel like we started out on the wrong foot. I assumed you were silly. I assumed you were one of those kitchen gadgets that would show up on a BuzzFeed list about stupid things people buy for their kitchen. I assumed you were something that no self-respecting baker would have in their cabinet. I assumed you would make not only a giant mess, but you would make my apple-pie making last at least four times longer than it should have.  But something in me said to just give it a try.


Apple Peeler/Corer/Slicer – I owe you an apology.


Something happened to me after the first apple. I took out my phone and couldn’t stop taking pictures. The curly leftover peels! The slinky-like peeled, cored, sliced apple! I felt like I wanted to make a hundred apple pies. Maybe some apple sauce! Heck, I wanted to make apple butter, too!


I peeled apple after apple after apple. I took pictures from every angle. I sent texts to my husband and best friend. I stuffed that pie so full of perfectly peeled apples that whoever ate it would have kept the doctor away for ages. Plus, I was done in about ten minutes. TEN MINUTES. You, my friend, are a life-saver.


Apple Peeler/Corer/Slicer, I am really, truly sorry. I’d like to start again. You are wonderful. You are helpful. I could never imagine facing Apple Pie Season again without you. Please, please can we be bffs?




Candied Grapefruit Peel

Candied Grapefruit PeelLast week at the market, I wore my grapefruit shirt.  Therefore, I bought grapefruits.  Of course.

Not only was it a no-brainer to buy the fruit that I was advertising on my shirt, but I had been craving candied grapefruit peels ever since I had a greyhound a few weeks ago adorned with a little slice of the sugared candy.  The actual greyhound was kind of mediocre, but that candy!  The bartender ended up giving me a few extra pieces because I was raving so wildly about how much I loved it.

So this week I broke out the peeler and got to candying.

Candied Grapefruit Peel Candied Grapefruit PeelFor some reason, I thought the naked grapefruits were really entertaining.  It’s kind of weird how many pictures I took of them.  And posted to Twitter about them…Candied Grapefruit PeelAnyway, enough with the grapefruit porn.

I found a couple of different recipes and took the best of the feedback from both of them to come up with my method.  I wanted them to be sugary sweet, but to still have the bitterness that I love. Continue reading

Leftover Love: Strawberry Ricotta Crostini

Just so you know, you still have about 364 days to go until the next giant explosion of love and chocolate and roses.  So I hope you didn’t use up all of your love yesterday. (and by love I mean strawberries) This … Continue reading

Love Is A Strawberry Tart

Ok, maybe love is more than a Strawberry Tart, but I’m going to go ahead and say that there is a definite correlation between the amount of love you feel and the amount of this tart you eat. Just ask … Continue reading

Tasty Tuesday: Homemade Mozzarella

I woke up last week and had the urge to make something crazy. For some reason, I thought that cheese would be crazy enough to satisfy my craving. Nursing our hangovers on New Years Day, Sarah found a recipe for … Continue reading

National Pie Day!

There’s nothing better than a piece of pie. So why not have a day to celebrate it?!  Never mind that there is also a day to celebrate squirrels (National Squirrel Appreciation Day, January 21st.  Yep, just missed it…), and that … Continue reading